28 research outputs found

    Strategic Marketing and Firms Performance:a Study of Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of strategic marketing and firms performance of the Nigerian oil and gas industry. This study adopted a survey research methodology to examine strategic marketing and firms performance of Nigerian oil and gas marketing companies in an attempt to attain their desired level of performance. One hypothesis was formulated from the statement of research problem. Analysis of Variance, Pearson Moment Correlation Analysis, Factor Analysis among other statistical tools were used in testing the hypotheses. The overall results suggest that strategic marketing is a driver of organizational positioning in a dynamic environment, and that it helps to enhance the development of new product/service for existing markets. These findings,along with other interesting findings of the study, are discussed. From the empirical and anecdotal managerial evidence as well as from the literature implications are drawn for the efficient and effective strategic marketing in the Nigerian oil and gas industr

    Gender Difference and Church Member Satisfaction: An Appraisal

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    This paper tries to determine both male and female church- attendance trends and to study gender effect, that is, differences between males and female regarding church attendance. It also considers churches as non-profit organizations contending with a mounting problem of male disinterest and disengagement. Based on reports originating in the popular press as well as expert opinion, men are falling away from church involvement in record numbers. A Survey study in Lagos – Nigeria determined that 61% of today's church members are women (Murrow 2005). A number of practitioner books, web-sites, and lay-leader seminars have appeared in recent years with the intent of addressing this issue while offering multiple theories to explain this trend. However, empirical evidence and systematic development of male member profiles that would aid in the development of marketing strategies to better target this group are lacking. This paper begins to address this shortcoming by exploring gender differences in general and male characteristics in particular as they pertain to church satisfaction and involvement

    Needs Satisfaction: An Effective Tool for Workers Commitment to Work

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    This study represents an initial endeavour to explore needs satisfaction: An effective tool for workers commitment to work. Inspite of the motivational strategies available and employed in organisations, the issue of employee performance and productivity is still very much questionable. This is because what motivates one individual may not necessarily be what motivates another individual (s). Therefore, individual needs and motivational factors should be assessed critically and addressed carefully. The survey instrument used in the collection of data was questionnaire which was based on a random selection as the primary source of data. Some of the questions asked were centered on the factors that motivates an employee to perform and hence productive in the organisation. Based on the data obtained from the respondents which was analyzed using the statistical tool (pie chart) method, it was observed that a greater number of respondents supported the notion that high employee performance and productivity is a fimction of need satisfaction (motivation). These findings appear to be useful in furthering the understanding of the complexity associated with the strategy to the realities of result oriented organisation environment by recommending that organisations should accord priority attention to the introduction of good motivational package (such as: good remuneration, instituting other monetary awards, higher fringe benefits package and other financial rewards, timely promotion, cafeteria, flextime, employee involvement, etc.) to enhance higher productivity and commitment to work

    Determination of the Optimal Manpower Size Using Linear Programming Model

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    There would be no meaningful development lllltil manpower that involves in the transformation of production facilities into useful goods and services is well trained and planned. Recent advances in mathematical programming methodology have included:development of interior methods, competing with the simplex method, improved simplex codes, vastly improved performance for mixed-integer programming using strong linear programming formulations and a renewed interest in decomposition. Application areas have been expanding from the traditional refinery planning and distribution models to include finance, scheduling, manufacturing, manpower planning and many others. We see the acceleration of better methods and improved codes moving together with faster, lower-cost and more interesting hardware into a variety of application areas, thereby opening up new demands for greater fi.mction of optimization codes. This study applies Linear Programming (LP) model based on integer programming to the determination of effective size of manpower to be engaged. The study also incorporates global constraints such as production capacity/demand rate and allowable time of operation into the model to reflect the reality activities in production organizations in developing colUltries. The results obtained show that the model is more efficient than the existing model for effective manpower determination

    Customers: Identifying the Needs in Higher Education

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    Many institutions of higher education are hesitant to consider themselves as customer-driven entities. It is common to view the student as the customer but this notion is not universally accepted. This paper reviews the debate in the education and marketing literature about students as customers and reveals the difficulty in using the word customer to describe the student/university relationship. The author argues that the debate must move away from identifying the customer and focus on the university as a service provider. An emerging perspective on market orientation suggest that strategic insights may be gained when firms take into account their customers’ view on the organization’s level of market orientation. Even the suggestion of the term customer can arouse many emotions, preconceptions, and misconceptions. The idea that students are partners in developing and delivering quality education threatens the historic, traditional academic role of faculty as purveyor of knowledge. Nevertheless, one fact has been proven over and over again. Customer-driven organizations are effective because they are fully committed to satisfying and anticipating customer needs. The future success of colleges and universities will increasingly be determined by how they identify and satisfy their various customers. This paper accentuates the subject by initially reviewing a number of theoretical viewpoints as to why a customer perspective should be sought when assessing organizational phenomena such as market orientation. The findings showed that all the proposed relationship were significant. The result further demonstrated that service quality acts as a partial mediator where customer satisfaction was not derived completely by service quality. This paper eventually concludes by elaborating the various conclusions derived from the stud

    Strategic Marketing Management in the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry:a Theoretical Framework

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    The purpose of this paper is to review the literature on strategic marketing management .. This study adopted a expost facto research methodology to examine the strategic marketing management literature in an attempt to attain their desired level of performance. The overall findings suggest that strategic marketing is a driver of organizational positioning in a dynamic environment, and that it helps to enhance the development of new product/service for existing markets. These findings, along with other interesting findings of the study, are discussed. From the empirical and anecdotal managerial evidence as well as from the literature implications are drawn for the efficient and effective strategic marketing practices in the Nigerian oil and gas industry. Based on the findings of the study, the concepts and principles of total quality management within a holistic framework it is recommended that (i) efforts should be made by organizational marketers towards understanding the relevant economic factors that affect both clients’ behaviour and the strategic options that may be adopted to cope with such behaviours; ((ii) in a constantly changing business environment, firms can adopt different strategic marketing practices since the yardstick is the enhancement of business performance

    Performance appraisal systems in private Universities in Nigeria: A Study of Crawford University, Igbesa- Nigeria

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of performance appraisal system at private universities in Nigeria. The focus of the study was on the administrative staff of Crawford University. The study evaluated the purpose of performance appraisal in private universities and identifies relevant factors for achieving an effective performance appraisal. A cross- sectional survey was selected for this study because it was easy to undertake compared to longitudinal survey and the results from the same can be inferred to the larger population. The study population was for all the administrative staff of Crawford University. The whole populations of staff were selected as respondents. A structured questionnaire was used to collect the data for analysis. The analysis of collected data was done by the help of SPSS and presented using descriptive statistics, frequency tables and percentages. The findings from the study have established that performance appraisal system is the only tangible metric way by which an organization can know the level of performance of its diverse members of staff. The effectiveness of performance appraisal systems in private universities are only based on training the members of staff involved in the rating/ appraising process and are multi- rating systems. Conclusively because the performance appraisal systems used in private universities are not effective and that they exist just as a matter of formalities, the private universities cannot measure members of staff performance, hence making it difficult to achieve the intended human resource management objective

    An Exploration of Customer-Defined Perception of Market Orientation:Antecedents and Consequences

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    As universities worldwide are being required to be more responsive to the needs of their customers, the literature has focused on identifying exactly who is the customer in the higher education industry. It is common to view the student as the customer but this notion is not universally accepted. This paper reviews the debate in the education and marketing literature about students as customers and reveals the difficulty in using the word customer to describe the student/university relationship. The author argues that the debate must move away from identifying the customer and focus on the university as a service provider. An emerging perspective on market orientation suggest that strategic insights may be gained when firms take into account their customers’ view on the organization’s level of market orientation. Recent research offers evidence on the applicability of a customer- defined market orientation construct. This study extends this line of research by exploring the customer- defined orientation antecedents and outcomes in higher education institutions. This paper accentuates the subject by initially reviewing a number of theoretical viewpoints as to why a customer perspective should be sought when assessing organizational phenomena such as market orientation. Consequently, a number of hypotheses were put forward followed by the results of this study. Correlation analysis and regression analysis among other statistical tools were used in this study. The result using regression analysis showed that all the proposed relationship were significant. The result further demonstrated that service quality acts as a partial mediator where customer satisfaction was not derived completely by service quality. This paper eventually concludes by elaborating the various conclusions derived from the study

    Market Orientation in a Small Scale Enterprise Environment: Importance of Product-Related Factors

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    This study uses the results of an evaluation programme to examine the value of a market orientation for small scale manufacturer in the mass retail market. Results show that an evaluator's assessment of a product's readiness for the marketplace and his/her recommendation for the type of market it should enter were better at predicting short-term and long-term performance than market orientation alone

    A Critical Assessment of Environmental Impact on Workers Productivity in Nigeria

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    It is generally acknowledged that the productivity of Nigerian workers is rather low. A major challenge of this research therefore was to ascertain the extent to which the environment has influenced the productivity of worker in both the public and the private sector of the Nigerian economy. To this end, a descriptive survey research design was employed and, a sample of 300 employers was drawn from among many organisations in both sectors that are located in metropolitan Lagos. Investigation revealed that factors in both the external and internal work environment as well as employment policies as they currently obtain are llllfavourable to the enhancement oflabour productivity. It is therefore imperative for goverrunents at the federal and state levels to explore ways of improving and updating infrastructural facilities in order to make the work environment more conducive for enhancement oflabour productivity. Similarly, job and organisationally related factors and employment policies must be looked into by the respective employers for possible reviews so as to make them more favourable and thereby challenge workers to be more productive